One Payment of $1,500

This program is intended to be informational in nature and should not be a substitute for medical advice of any kind. Any actions you take, or consequences that result from your actions, are entirely your own responsibility. We accept no liability from the use of information provided on my website, programs, social media, email or my services. Additionally, at this time we are not taking any clients outside of the United States.

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Tuesday's Women's Healing Masterclass

Movement without forward motion gets old.

This masterclass will give you the tools to safely disrupt the unhelpful patterns and limiting beliefs you’ve been swirling in for years.

You've selected Tuesdays from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CST for 8 weeks, starting January 4th.


 What's Included:

  • Eight (8),90-minute live weekly virtual group course teachings, for a total of 12 hours ($3,600 value)

  • Unlimited Email Support ($1,000 value)
  • Workbook to take notes, review concepts and self reflect​ ($100 value)

  • Self Regulation Tools to befriend and reshape your nervous system​​ ($100 value)

  • Recorded lessons for you to rewatch at your own pace ($800 value)
  • Teaching materials and exercises to help you apply what you learn in teachings ($100 value)

  • 50+ Journal Prompts to rediscover your most authentic self​ ($50 value) 


  • Community of like-minded, safe and supportive women (priceless)

  • Option to add 1:1 coaching sessions

  • Supplemental recorded lesson to expand on select subject ($300 value)





Disclaimer: Group life coaching offers a curriculum suitable for a group setting with group members’ individual needs and concerns in mind.  We reserve the right to change the program material for each client and group. All results will vary based on your willingness to participate and implement what you have learned. It is not a replacement for medical advice, psychological counseling or other types of therapy. Life coaches are not able to diagnose medical conditions or prescribe medication. 



Frequently Asked Questions:

1) When are the calls?

Tuesdays from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CST for 8 weeks, starting January 4th.

2) What if I can't make every call?

Not to worry! Each call's lesson will be recorded so you never have to worry if you can't make it to the live call.

3) Will I have to share on the call?

No, you do not ever have to share anything unless you want to. This is a trauma-informed class, which means we value agency and choice and think you should always have both. There are occasional break out groups that will help you connect with other people in the class, but only if you want to. You are always welcome to sit out for the breakout groups! We want to promote safety. If you don't feel safe to share, you do not have to!

4) What about confidentiality?

The lesson portion of the call, typically the first hour, is the only part of the call that is recorded. The last 30ish minutes of the call is a live Q&A and live coaching portion. You can submit questions before to make sure you get the help you want. The live Q&A and live coaching portion of the call will not be recorded to protect your confidentiality. Also, refer to #2. You never have to share unless you want to!

5) What if I need more help?

Most of the time the lessons bring up ideas of things you want some coaching on. The Live Q&A and coaching portions of the call are designed to create space for you to have your individual questions answered and even get coached directly if you would like. If you find that you need more individual coaching, not to worry! You are welcomed and encouraged to add on one-on-one coaching sessions at the end of the 8 weeks. The even better news? You will get the one-on-one session at a reduced rate simply because you took the Healing Masterclass! Who doesn't love a discount?!

6) How many people will be in the class?

In order to maintain a safe space where everyone can feel seen and heard, classes are limited to about 15 people.

I know healing can feel like a never ending and isolating process. I designed this class because I don't want you to have to do it alone AND I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the tools, resources and information you need to really transform.


Client Wins

I have previously tried to work through things that have happened in my past with talk therapists, but I found myself still feeling like I was broken. This program provided me with tools and exercises to actually start healing.

I've gained the ability to forgive myself and hold space for my emotions and needs, as opposed to shaming myself or feeling like a burden.I think my favorite part was meeting the women and hearing their heart. It let me know that I wasn't alone.

Cortney gave me the tools to recognize my triggers, realize when I am causing chaos, ground myself, not use alcohol as an answer, and most importantly, realize that this was my nervous system’s way of dealing with trauma, and I am not alone in this.