Get to the next level of Your Healing Journey
Continue to build on your Healing Foundation through our variety of offerings for existing clients from educational refresher courses, bottom up breakthrough sessions, and community masterminds.
Learn MoreExplore our offerings for continuing clients:

Top Down Resources
Refresher educational resources equipping you with practical tools, somatic-based resources and trauma-informed education.

Bottom Up Breakthroughs
Personalized 1:1 Sessions to integrate using Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Parts work.

Community Groups
Seven topic-specific group calls (over 3 months)Â focusing on either marriage/relationships, or parenting.
What are the Three Phases of Healing?
Phase I: Stabilization
Phase I is about getting to our baseline by ensuring our basic safety and physiological needs are met (food, shelter, water, safe environment, etc).
If you aren't physiologically safe in the present or your system is too overwhelmed to complete your day to day tasks, like going to work, your system probably isn’t ready to take in the new information of Phase II.Â
This phase is out of the scope of practice for trauma informed coaching and better suited for mental health professionals.
Phase II: Education, Awareness & Regulation
METHOD: Top Down
With Top Down Approaches, we use our cognitive (logic and reasoning) brain (called the cortex) – with things like education, tools, resources, etc - to direct our actions in order to bring us into the present (aka regulation).
When we are activated and triggered, we are not in the here and now. Our body and nervous system are self protecting in the present because something in our external or internal environment feels unsafe.
Top Down methods can help us regulate so that we are able to access the Ventral Vagal Complex and socially engage in the present, so that we feel safe to move toward the deeper transformative work in Phase III.
Phase III: Experience, Embodiment & Integration
METHOD: Bottom Up
Lasting transformation happens when we create a new somatic experience that allows us access to the subcortical (primal, survival, and emotional) brain and body, while still having the cognitive (logic and reasoning) brain online.Â
We do this by staying regulated and present enough to witness our pain instead of becoming consumed by it.
Experiential healing is what Phase III is all about because Trauma is stuck and stored in the body so healing has to happen in the body, too.Â
As Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, we will help you gently tap into the subcortical (primal, survival and emotional) brain and body while maintaining a felt sense of safety.
Top Down Resources
If it’s been a minute since you worked with us, maybe you need a little pyschoeducation and resource update or refresher?Â
Our Refresher Course includes the most recent version of our Healing Foundations Curriculum and the related workbook.
We have added so many new resources and tools since we first started our programs. The Refresher Course will be continuously updated going forward each time we add new tools to our Healing Foundations Class based on new trainings and education we receive.
“I have hope now. I have the foundations to heal. It gave me a totally different approach to my trauma that actually allowed for progress. It gave me the ability to believe that it is possible to feel safe again.”Â
 Let me guess, you have the tools and you’ve been "doing the work" on your own but there are some behavioral patterns or parts that still keep showing up?
Maybe you know what you need to do but there’s resistance and you end up wanting to book a session to help you break through it but then shame yourself for not being able to figure it out yourself bc you “have the tools”!
We get it.Â
We’ve been there too!Â
By now you probably know that healing is not a “one and done” approach.Â
It is a life-long process. Â
If you felt the best you’ve felt when you were doing the work regularly with a You Can Heal With Us practitioner, then maybe it’s time for you to do that again.Â
Chances are you need more Somatic Integration work to help you change those implicit, auto-pilot behaviors… we all do!
We aren’t meant to be “Fixing” ourselves all of the time.Â
There are meant to be seasons of healing by simply living our lives, using our tools and showing up as authentically as we can.Â
Then there are seasons where new stressors arise, new behavioral patterns come into our awareness or we are just ready for the next level of healing.Â
If this sounds like the season you are in, we have good news!!!!
Now we are offering call packages to our existing clients so you can meet regularly with us for support and get to a whole new layer of healing.
Bottom Up Breakthroughs
Personalized 1:1 sessions using Somatic Experiencing and Somatic Parts workÂ
Pricing for Michelle's past clients:
These call packages are first come first serve based on practitioner availability. Â
Bottom Up Breakthroughs
Personalized 1:1 sessions using Somatic Experiencing and Parts work
Pricing for Cortney's past clients:
These call packages are reserved on a first come first serve basis based on practitioner's availability.Â
“I got off each call knowing the value of this work was worth more than money could buy.”
Michelle was easy to talk to, and not intimidating! I knew she cared about me and was so patient and warm as she held space for me. These one-on-one calls are so valuable and Michelle made them count!!
I didn't realize how much compassion and love my inner child needed. If I hadn't done Healing Foundations I would still be wondering "what is wrong with me?!" and now I have the resources to help take care of my younger self in ways I missed out on as a child!
Community Groups
Bi-Weekly community calls with Cortney
Craving the safe supportive intimate community you had in the Healing Foundations Class?
Or maybe you never got to experience the community aspect because you previously worked with us exclusively one on one?
Either way, you want the life-changing experience of feeling deeply seen, heard, known, understood and supported by a group of like-minded women, right?Â
Introducing our new topic-specific Community Groups!!!Â

Healing requires both a top down and bottom up approach.
Educating yourself, learning new resources and talking about your past experiences are important parts of the healing process that help your Cortex (logical brain) to have more awareness and feel safer in the present.
However, when we are triggered, the Cortex (logical brain) is offline and the subcortical brain (survival, emotional and primal instincts) is running the show.  No wonder you have a hard time accessing the tools and resources you've learned!
Trauma and the related implicit survival patterns (aka unwanted behaviors) you want to change are stored in the subcortical brain and body. You can't change the subcortical brain through taking in new information but through new experiences because the subcortical brain does not speak the english language it speaks through image, sensation and emotion.
If you want to heal your trauma and put an end to the behavior patterns you've been stuck in, using a bottom up experiential approach is the secret.Â
We need different felt experiences to create new meaning.
I'm ready to heal!The question is…has everything you’ve ever tried before taught you to leverage the wisdom of your subcortical brain, nervous system & body?
Lasting transformation happens when you include BOTH a top down AND a bottom up approach to healing.
“There is freedom from your past.”
I have learned -- there is freedom from your past. You can release your grip on every aspect of your life. You can have peace. You are in control of how you want to experience life. Others actions do not have to consume you. You have agency over your responses.
More times than not, that situation that took place has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them -- release the grip. Unshackle the chains in your mind that tell you otherwise. You can experience true joy again.
Your traumas do not have to define who you are today or how you experience life. There is hope. I promise.
“What Cortney provided was so different. I am in a much better place because of her.”
Working with Cortney was something I knew I needed, but wasn’t sure if I was ready to do. I’d sought out counseling and healing in the past, but often found myself just going through the motions of it. I didn’t want to face the things I was burying deep inside and would find myself just telling whoever I was working with what I thought they wanted to hear to make it seem as if I was getting better.
What Cortney provided was so different. She allowed me a safe place for me to feel, to be sad, to cry...but she didn’t just tell me it would be ok or give me a quick fix, the most important thing she did was acknowledge me and my feelings - which is what I had needed all along! She helped me see that not being seen was one of the root causes of why I felt the way I did and why I found myself in unhealthy relationships.
I am so grateful for Cortney and the healing, resources, and tools she provided me with. I know I am in a much better place because of my time working with her.
“I relearned what it felt like to be hopeful again.”
 To stop living in survival mode & believing God still has huge plans for me even though my life looks nothing like I thought it would even 1 year ago.
“Michelle really led me in such a safe way. She helped me slow down and stay in my body and stay safe. We got out a lot in that first call and I was eager for the next!”
I've gained awareness, safety, hope, understanding and relief. It has made me realize that it’s not too late to heal and that my healing will have a profound affect on EVERY aspect in my life but most importantly my children!!! It’s provided me tools to help me not be the angry explosive person I once was. I’m able to slow down and see and handle situations differently. It really has just given me so much hope and excitement!!
I couldn’t be more grateful for Michelle! Being virtual I was wondering how that would feel with therapy but she literally makes me feel like she’s in the room with me. I pray one day I can hug her in person!!