Take the Next Step on Your Healing Journey

Break generational cycles, change unwanted behaviors and transform relational patterns for good using the wisdom of your nervous system with trauma-informed and somatic-based principles.

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“There's something about this program, that fills in gaps, in a way I think the personal development world is missing. It was life-changing in a very good way. It impacted not only myself but also my family and has really transformed how we are together.”

Michelle Dunk

Do you ever look at your relationships and think:

“It's not you, it's me, but I don't know how to fix it.”

You’ve spent so many years, so much energy and resources trying to get better or “fix” yourself.


Maybe you are even thinking: 

“What is wrong with me?”

“None of this is working.” 

“It must be me.” 


And you’re terrified that maybe you are just going to have to be like this forever.  


Please hear me, it is not you. 


You’re not broken and you do not need to be fixed. 


You are operating exactly as you should be to a perceived threat. 


In fact, every single thing you do—every behavior—makes sense through the lens of trauma and self-protection.


Your physiology is coming to your aid every single day like the most loyal ride-or-die BFF because it so deeply cares about your safety and survival. 


And I know, you are logically thinking “but I am safe!”. 


You can logically know that, but your body has no idea because it doesn’t understand logic, or the English language for that matter. 


You have to SHOW (not tell)  your body evidence (through your 5 senses) that you are safe in the here and now because your body speaks the language of somatics (through emotion, sensation and imagery).




“This really IS the missing thing.”


"Well, this IS the missing thing. I finally feel like I'm not broken, I'm not a burden and I don't need to fix myself. I finally have tools-- tangible tools that actually work. I finally feel hope that things can and will improve and that I am uncovering the wife and mother I always knew was there (my authentic self!) I also feel so much healing and freedom."


The good news is, it makes sense why you're feeling stuck.


Education and talk therapy is only part of the healing process. 

What are the Three Phases of Healing?


Phase I: Stabilization

Phase I is about getting to our baseline by ensuring our basic safety and physiological needs are met (food, shelter, water, safe environment, etc).

If you aren't physiologically safe in the present or your system is too overwhelmed to complete your day to day tasks, like going to work, your system probably isn’t ready to take in the new information of Phase II. 

This phase is out of the scope of practice for trauma informed coaching and better suited for mental health professionals.

Phase II: Education, Awareness & Regulation

METHOD: Top Down

With Top Down Approaches, we use our cognitive (logic and reasoning) brain (called the cortex) – with things like education, tools, resources, etc - to direct our actions in order to bring us into the present (aka regulation).
When we are activated and triggered, we are not in the here and now. Our body and nervous system are self protecting in the present because something in our external or internal environment feels unsafe.

Top Down methods can help us regulate so that we are able to access the Ventral Vagal Complex and socially engage in the present, so that we feel safe to move toward the deeper transformative work in Phase III.

Phase III: Experience, Embodiment & Integration

METHOD: Bottom Up

Lasting transformation happens when we create a new somatic experience that allows us access to the subcortical (primal, survival, and emotional) brain and body, while still having the cognitive (logic and reasoning) brain online. 

We do this by staying regulated and present enough to witness our pain instead of becoming consumed by it.

Experiential healing is what Phase III is all about because Trauma is stuck and stored in the body so healing has to happen in the body, too. 

As Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, we will help you gently tap into the subcortical (primal, survival and emotional) brain and body while maintaining a felt sense of safety.

Finding the right next step:


You are probably overwhelmed enough as it is, so making a decision about which healing modality to try or what step to take is just TOO much. 


Am I right?


It’s so hard to know what route to take or what you need when you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing actually changes. 


That’s exactly why You Can Heal With Us exists. 


I was once lost, confused and so overwhelmed trying to find the missing piece that would actually make a lasting difference.


I started to believe the lie that "it must be me" because nothing was working.


I wasted so much time, energy and resources trying to figure out which healing modality would actually work for me. 


When I finally found the trauma informed and somatic methods that worked, I wanted to create a one-stop-shop for healing to remove the added burden of finding effective trauma healing methods. 


I wanted to help people like you, who feel lost in their healing journey, get to the right next step so you can see that you are not actually broken at all. 


You are operating exactly as you were designed. 


Our programs will provide you with so much evidence of this.


While there are no shortcuts or quick fixes to healing…

…there are definitely better, more effective ways than some.

We honor your nervous system and deeply trust that YOU know best which format it needs to heal. 


We also know that every single nervous system is unique and

needs a personalized approach for lasting change.


Ultimately, you’re going to need both Phase II, top down (brain --> body),

and Phase III, bottom up (body --> brain), methods of healing,

but we invite you to choose the format that feels best to your nervous system below.


Coming Soon!

Healing Foundations Class


Goal: Education
Method: Top Down
  • 8 two-hour weekly live group class (16 hours total)
  • Healing Foundations Class Curriculum
  • Transformational Healing Workbook
  • Somatic Regulation Toolkit
  • Exclusive Healing Journal Prompts
  • Drama Triangle Video Series
  • Trauma's Impact on Brain Video Series
  • Exclusive Community!

$675 monthly

x 3 months
Learn More

Starting anytime

The Exclusive Program


Goal: Education AND Integration 
Method: Top Down & Bottom Up (Experiential Healing) 
  • 20 one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner
  • Healing Foundations Class Curriculum
  • Transformational Healing Workbook
  • Somatic Regulation Toolkit
  • Exclusive Healing Journal Prompts
  • Drama Triangle Video Series
  • Trauma's Impact on Brain Video Series
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection to your Somatic Integration Practitioner for 20 weeks

$867 monthly

x 6 months
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Coming Soon!

The Transformation Bundle

Community & 1:1

Goal: Education AND Integration 
Method: Top Down & Bottom Up (Experiential Healing)
  • EVERYTHING in the Healing Foundations Class


  • 12 one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner 
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection with your Somatic Integration Practitioner for 12 weeks
  • Monthly Alumni Calls
  • Financial Breakthrough Course
  • Financial Breakthrough Workbook
  • Financial Breakthrough Journal Prompts


(If you enroll BEFORE Healing Foundations Class begins): 

  • (2) one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner
  • Access to an extra 1 hour group Q&A Call with Cortney
  • Instant Access to Monthly Alumni Calls (2 extra Alumni Calls)
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection to Cortney for 20 weeks

$898 monthly

x 6 months
Learn More

Which option is the right fit for me?

“My only regret is that I didn’t sign up for this program sooner.”

I found Cortney on Instagram. After my first initial call to discuss the program I knew I needed to sign up, but was nervous about investing in myself. I decided to go for it.

My only regret is that I didn’t sign up for this program sooner.

 For the past year I have been having very bad nightmares. After somatically working through a particular traumatic event in a session with Cortney, I have no longer had any nightmares. I am finally getting good rest and feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of me. I am forever grateful for Cortney and her program.


That ^ is what so many of our students say when they complete our program.


Despite having already tried talk therapy, prayer, and mindset work…


…they still found themselves responding to loved ones from a triggered place.


They’ll have arguments with partners or kids or coworkers and think, “I have no clue why I was reacting that way and then it would cause me to spiral more.”

Not understanding the body’s responses to safety and danger is the #1 reason most women feel like they don’t have a handle on their reactions.

What no one has probably told you before (which is no fault of yours) is this:

You have the power to intentionally pull yourself out of an anxious state and ground yourself so that you can respond to any stressor from a place of peace.


You can do all the mindset work in the world.


You can do as much talk therapy as you want.


You can move through life helping everyone else. 


If you’re not addressing what’s going on in your body, you won’t get past behavior that’s coming from how the body signals the mind.


You may get here and there with what you’ve tried before, but…
…you’re missing an important piece of the puzzle.

Healing requires both a top down and bottom up approach.

Educating yourself, learning new resources and talking about your past experiences are important parts of the healing process that help your Cortex (logical brain) to have more awareness and feel safer in the present.

However, when we are triggered, the Cortex (logical brain) is offline and the subcortical brain (survival, emotional and primal instincts) is running the show.  No wonder you have a hard time accessing the tools and resources you've learned!

Trauma and the related implicit survival patterns (aka unwanted behaviors) you want to change are stored in the subcortical brain and body. You can't change the subcortical brain through taking in new information but through new experiences because the subcortical brain does not speak the english language it speaks through image, sensation and emotion.

If you want to heal your trauma and put an end to the behavior patterns you've been stuck in, using a bottom up experiential approach is the secret. 

We need different felt experiences to create new meaning.

I'm ready to heal!

The question is…has everything you’ve ever tried before taught you to leverage the wisdom of your subcortical brain, nervous system & body?

If you think about everything you’ve already done and all the money you have spent on your personal development, you may ask yourself…


“I’ve heard it all already. Why am I still reacting this way?”


“Is there something wrong with me?”

(There’s nothing wrong with you, girl.) 


 You just need BOTH a top down AND a bottom up approach to healing.

I'm ready to heal!


“Thanks to my work with Cortney and Katie, I’ve made more progress than I have in the last 5 years combined in traditional talk therapy. Totally worth the investment!”


I have been going to traditional talk therapy for years, but I would still end up finding myself stuck and overwhelmed. This master class has helped me understand why I feel stuck or frozen. It has given me practical tools to help me move forward.

Thanks to my work with Cortney and Katie, I’ve made more progress than I have in the last 5 years combined. I have more compassion for myself and more confidence in my ability to handle triggering/stressful situations in a healthy manner. Another amazing benefit of the class is hearing likeminded women, who struggle with similar things. When you hear “me too,” you don’t feel so alone. Highly highly highly recommend this program. Totally worth the investment!



“The freedom and tools I gained in this course provided a level of breakthrough I didn't think I would ever see.”


This program is one of the best holistic self- development investments I’ve made. It encompasses WAY more than you think you could ever cover in 8 weeks. After years of counseling, prayer retreats and things like that- I still didn’t have control over my emotions. Through Cortney’s nervous system coaching, I for the first time in my life have been empowered to regulate myself and understand why I do what I do.

The freedom and tools I gained in this course provided a level of breakthrough I didn’t think I would ever see. Also seeing the rest of the ladies in class experience healing was so powerful, inspiring and made me feel less isolated. Thank you to Cortney and Katie who provided a safe environment and consistently showed up for us weekly to make healing possible!



“I got off each call knowing the value of this work was worth more than money could buy.”


Michelle was easy to talk to, and not intimidating! I knew she cared about me and was so patient and warm as she held space for me. These one-on-one calls are so valuable and Michelle made them count!!

I didn't realize how much compassion and love my inner child needed. If I hadn't done Healing Foundations I would still be wondering "what is wrong with me?!" and now I have the resources to help take care of my younger self in ways I missed out on as a child!


Let's recap your options to heal!

Coming Soon!

Healing Foundations Class


Goal: Education
Method: Top Down
  • 8 two-hour weekly live group class (16 hours total)
  • Transformational Healing Workbook
  • Somatic Regulation Toolkit
  • Exclusive Healing Journal Prompts
  • Drama Triangle Video Series
  • Trauma's Impact on Brain Video Series
  • Exclusive Community!

$675 monthly

x 3 months
Learn More

Start anytime

The Exclusive Program


Goal: Education AND Integration
Method: Top Down & Bottom Up (Experiential Healing) 
  • 20 one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner
  • Healing Foundations Class Curriculum 
  • Transformational Healing Workbook
  • Somatic Regulation Toolkit
  • Exclusive Healing Journal Prompts
  • Drama Triangle Video Series
  • Trauma's Impact on Brain Video Series
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection for 20 weeks

$867 monthly

x 6 months
Learn More

Coming Soon!

The Transformation Bundle

Community & 1:1

Goal: Education AND Integration
Method: Top Down & Bottom Up (Experiential Healing)
  • EVERYTHING in the Healing Foundations Class


  • 12 one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner 
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection with your Somatic Integration Practitioner for 12 weeks
  • Monthly Alumni Calls
  • Financial Breakthrough Course
  • Financial Breakthrough Workbook
  • Financial Breakthrough Journal Prompts

BONUS if you enroll NOW:

  • (2) one-hour 1:1 sessions with your Somatic Integration Practitioner
  • Access to Bonus one hour group call Q&A with Cortney
  • Instant Access to Alumni Calls (2 Extra Alumni Calls)
  • 1:1 Text and Voice Connection to Cortney for 20 weeks

 $898 monthly

x 6 months
Learn More

“What Cortney provided was so different. I am in a much better place because of her.”


Working with Cortney was something I knew I needed, but wasn’t sure if I was ready to do. I’d sought out counseling and healing in the past, but often found myself just going through the motions of it. I didn’t want to face the things I was burying deep inside and would find myself just telling whoever I was working with what I thought they wanted to hear to make it seem as if I was getting better.


What Cortney provided was so different. She allowed me a safe place for me to feel, to be sad, to cry...but she didn’t just tell me it would be ok or give me a quick fix, the most important thing she did was acknowledge me and my feelings - which is what I had needed all along! She helped me see that not being seen was one of the root causes of why I felt the way I did and why I found myself in unhealthy relationships.


I am so grateful for Cortney and the healing, resources, and tools she provided me with. I know I am in a much better place because of my time working with her.


“Cortney and Katie are masters at their craft and are so relatable.”


I dove into Cortney's course because I felt it would help me lead my daughter through her own personal struggle.  I found out immediately that I was not there for my daughter, I was indeed there for ME!  I was able to see that I wanted my daughter to heal so I could feel safe.  Talk about mind-blowing breakthrough in the very first class!

Cortney and Katie are masters at their craft and are so relatable.  They embody the work that they teach and I am so grateful for their Healing Masterclass.  It is truly an invaluable investment that will benefit your entire family, but do not underestimate what it will do for YOU!



“Michelle really led me in such a safe way. She helped me slow down and stay in my body and stay safe. We got out a lot in that first call and I was eager for the next!”


I've gained awareness, safety, hope, understanding and relief. It has made me realize that it’s not too late to heal and that my healing will have a profound affect on EVERY aspect in my life but most importantly my children!!! It’s provided me tools to help me not be the angry explosive person I once was. I’m able to slow down and see and handle situations differently. It really has just given me so much hope and excitement!!

I couldn’t be more grateful for Michelle! Being virtual I was wondering how that would feel with therapy but she literally makes me feel like she’s in the room with me. I pray one day I can hug her in person!!